How long does a lizard live?

Belonging to the Order Squamata, lizards are fascinating reptiles that we often observe moving with agility along walls, rocks or even our own gardens, and they have captured our curiosity due to their peculiarity and adaptability. Although their presence is common in various habitats around the world, have you ever wondered how long a lizard can live? Generally, lizards live approximately 10 years. Despite their tiny size, their life cycle and longevity offer surprising details that invite us to delve into the biological and ecological world of these small animals.

How long does a lizard live?

Lizard life cycle

The life cycle of lizards can vary depending on the species and habitat. Therefore, here we present a generalized description of its life cycle:

  • Egg: The life cycle of a lizard begins with laying eggs. Lizards, like other reptiles, are oviparous animals, meaning they lay eggs. The number of eggs and the frequency of laying vary depending on the species. Some small ones, such as those of the Anolis genus, can lay between 1 and 2 eggs, while others, larger ones, such as some iguanas, can lay up to 70 eggs.
  • Incubation: once the eggs are laid, they need an incubation period to develop. This period also varies depending on the species and environmental conditions. Some species may lay their eggs in specific locations (such as underground or on leaves) to ensure a suitable environment for incubation. You may be interested in knowing the «Types of lizards» in the next article.
  • Eclosion: after the incubation period, the eggs hatch, giving rise to small lizards that, in most cases, are independent from the moment of hatching. These hatchlings are known as juvenile lizards.
  • Growth and development: juvenile lizards begin to grow and develop morphological and behavioral characteristics that make them They allow you to better adapt to your environment. During this stage, they will face challenges such as searching for food, evading predators, and competing for resources. Here you have the «Characteristics of lizards» to learn more about what a lizard is, where it lives and what it eats.
  • Sexual maturity: Over time, lizards reach sexual maturity. The age at which this occurs can vary widely depending on the species and environmental conditions, some may do so at around 6 months, and others may reach maturity after 3 or 4 years of life. Once they reach maturity, the lizards are ready to reproduce and continue the life cycle.
  • Reproduction: Adult lizards reproduce, usually in a cycle that repeats annually or regularly depending on conditions. Reproduction may involve mating rituals, competition between males for females, and later, the laying of eggs.

How long does a wild lizard live?

The lifespan of a wild lizard can vary significantly depending on species, habitat, environmental conditions and other factors. In general, many lizards have a relatively short lifespan compared to other vertebrate animals, but this does not mean that they are short in absolute terms. a>

Here are some considerations:

  • Common lizard (Lacerta vivipara): In its natural environment, a common lizard could live between 4 and 6 years, although some sources suggest that some individuals could reach 10 years under favorable conditions.
  • Anolis species: on average, many Anolis species in their natural habitat could live between 2 and 5 years . However, this figure may vary depending on conditions and environment.
  • Leopard gecko (Eublepharis macularius): these geckos can live between 5 and 10 years in their natural habitat, and life expectancy is likely to be shorter due to factors such as predators, diseases and other environmental risks.
  • Green iguana (Iguana iguana): in the wild, green iguanas could live between < /span>, although life expectancy may be shorter due to predators, diseases and other risk factors.10 and 15 years
  • Collared lizard (Crotaphytus collaris): In their natural habitat, these lizards may have a life expectancy of approximately 5 to 7 years, although this, as in the rest of the species, can vary depending on environmental conditions and risks.

As you can see, answering how long lizards live is more complex than it seems depending on the species we are talking about. It is essential to remember that these are general estimates based on observations and studies in nature. The actual lifespan of a wild lizard can be influenced by a wide variety of factors, including food availability, access to water, weather conditions, the presence of predators and diseases, among others.

How long does a lizard live? - How long does a wild lizard live?

How long does a lizard live at home?

The longevity of a lizard in captivity, specifically in a domestic environment such as a house, can vary depending on the species of lizard, the care conditions provided, and other environmental factors. Still, generally, the life expectancy of a lizard at home is longer than that of one in the wild.

Here are some examples:

  • Common lizard (Lacerta vivipara): under proper conditions of care in captivity, a common lizard could live up to 10 years in a domestic environment.
  • Leopard Gecko (Eublepharis macularius): These geckos are known to have a longer lifespan long in captivity. With proper care, a leopard gecko lizard could live between 10 and 20 years, and in some cases even longer.
  • Anolis: Depending on the species of Anolis and care conditions, many can live between 4 and 8 years in captivity.
  • Iguanas: Green iguanas, such as Iguana iguana, can live up to 20 years or more in captivity when proper care conditions are provided.

Other examples of the life expectancy of a lizard at home are:

  • Whiptail Lizard (Uromastyx spp.): These desert lizards can live between 15 and 25 years old in captivity if they are provided with the right conditions, including a warm environment and an appropriate diet.
  • Blue tongue lizard (Tiliqua sp.): These lizards native to Australia are popular in pet trade and, under proper care, can live between 10 and 20 years.
  • Blue-bellied lizard (Tiliqua scincoides): Native to Australia, this lizard is popular in pet trade and can live between 10 and 15 years in captivity with proper care.

The longevity of a lizard at home is strongly influenced by factors such as proper feeding, size and type of enclosure or terrarium, environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, lighting), veterinary care when necessary, and the overall quality of care provided. by the owner.

Providing a suitable environment, balanced nutrition, and regular care can help maximize the longevity and well-being of a lizard in a home environment.