Vegetable litters for cats - Types and benefits

Traditionally, cat litters of mineral origin have been marketed, based on bentonite, sepiolite or silica, which are characterized by their ability to absorb, agglomerate and trap the odors of feline waste. These qualities make these litters ideal to be able to maintain the hygiene of a litter box at home. But one of its great drawbacks is the treatment of these wastes. For this reason, in recent years other types of sand have become popular, vegetable, 100% natural and without chemical products, which not only can effectively contain urine and excrement, but also contribute to preserving the planet by being biodegradable and sustainable.

Why choose a vegetable litter for cats?

The mineral sands are the most widespread work very well and can be found at a very affordable price. But the truth is that they have some disadvantages that, if we want to preserve the planet we live on, we cannot lose sight of. The clays used for these sands are mined in open pit mines. It is a type of mining with a great environmental impact that, in addition, consumes a large number of resources and emits CO2 both in extraction, production and transport. As if that were not enough, this clay does not decompose, so it remains in landfills indefinitely. Hence, if you are concerned about the health of the planet, resorting to a vegetable sand is the best option. Not only because its production reduces pollution, the use of resources and energy, but also because its life cycle is circular. This means that, being biodegradable, waste can become reusable, it can be composted and used as compost among other things, which makes it a sustainable product that, therefore, contributes to the conservation of the planet.


Types of vegetable litter for cats

If you are interested in vegetable and biodegradable litter for cats, you should know that there is no single type, but that they can be made of wood, fibers from different plants or recycled paper.


All are ecological options, although each one will have its advantages and disadvantages in terms of effectiveness in absorbing, agglomerating, neutralizing odors or adhering to the legs and hair of your cat. Look for information on all of them to decide which is the best for you and your feline. These are the basic characteristics of the different types:


Wood: for this sand recycled wood of different species is used, such as fir, pine and other conifers. It is considered leftover wood, which means that no trees are cut down to make it. It can be marketed in granules, which favor greater absorption, chips or pellets.

Vegetable fibers: these sands are based on vegetable fibers, such as corn, barley, walnut or pea shells, which are characterized by very good retention of moisture. To make them, those raw materials not intended for human consumption are used. In addition, they are respectful litters with the most delicate cats’ paws. They can be found in the form of pellets.

Recycled paper: as its name suggests, this sand is nothing more than a bed made of recycled paper, without the presence of ink, which is processed into pellets.

Benefits of vegetable litters for cats

As all cat sitters know, litter is an essential product that we use in considerable quantities, which means that the waste it generates is equally numerous. Hence, if you want to conserve the environment, vegetable litters are the best option for you, like Catit Go Natural, the range of ecological litter for cats made with sustainable resources. Unlike other mineral cat litters, vegetable litters are a more successful option for cats and respectful of the planet because their manufacture does not emit polluting gases, renewable energy and recycled natural resources are used. These are the characteristics that make them beneficial for the planet:


  • They are ecological.
  • Respectful with the environment.
  • 100% natural.
  • They have no added chemicals.
  • They are biodegradable and fully recyclable.
  • They are made from renewable resources, so they are a product with a sustainable life cycle.
  • Its production is low-waste.
  • They tend to achieve high performance with a smaller amount of product, which also means savings at an economic level.
  • Some may be discarded p or the toilet, always following the instructions of the manufacturer with others can make compost for inedible plants and must be deposited in the container for organic waste.


But, in addition to the environment, they also offer other advantages for you and your cat, since they do not contain chemicals or raise dust, they are suitable for the most sensitive animals. The options in pellets or in larger granules help the cat not to remove its contents out of the sandbox when digging or covering its excrement and they do not adhere to the hair, thus facilitating the hygiene of the home and, above all, of the area adjacent to the sandbox.