What to feed a 2-month-old cat?

Food is a basic pillar for the well-being of our cats. We must take care of it throughout its life, much more in certain stages, such as the first months of life, old age or in cases of illness. A diet that covers all the cat’s nutritional requirements not only allows its body to grow and function perfectly, but also helps prevent diseases and contributes to maintaining health. As we have said, the initial period of a kitten’s life is especially sensitive, hence the importance of good nutrition. 

What to feed a 2-month-old cat

Nutritional needs of a 2-month-old cat

Cats of any age need protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, fiber and a small amount of carbohydrates. In the case of 2-month-old kittens, we highlight the following particularities:

  • Proteins : Proteins, made up of amino acids, are necessary to form all the structures of the body. At this age they are required in a higher percentage than in adult cats , since the kitten is in a stage of rapid growth. It is essential that the diet provides the amino acids considered essential, which are those that the cat cannot synthesize on its own, such as the popular taurine. For this reason, it is essential that they be provided with food. Proteins of animal origin must be the basis of the menu for cats of 2 months and all ages, that is, they are the ingredient that must appear in the greatest quantity.
  • Fats : If kittens needed more protein than adult cats, the same goes for fats. Food for specimens of this age must meet high caloric requirements.
  • Vitamins and minerals : both elements are considered micronutrients, that is, the kitten will need them in small quantities, but they are also essential for the development of all the body’s functions.
  • Fiber : fiber, which we can find in fruits and vegetables, is useful in facilitating intestinal transit, helping to prevent the formation of hairballs and constipation.
  • Carbohydrates : cats can get glucose from proteins, so it is not essential that ingredients such as cereals, rich in carbohydrates, be included in their diet. In fact, cats can have difficulties processing it.

    Nutritional needs of a 2-month-old cat

    Cats of any age need protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, fiber and a small amount of carbohydrates. In the case of 2-month-old kittens, we highlight the following particularities:

    • Proteins : Proteins, made up of amino acids, are necessary to form all the structures of the body. At this age they are required in a higher percentage than in adult cats , since the kitten is in a stage of rapid growth. It is essential that the diet provides the amino acids considered essential, which are those that the cat cannot synthesize on its own, such as the popular taurine. For this reason, it is essential that they be provided with food. Proteins of animal origin must be the basis of the menu for cats of 2 months and all ages, that is, they are the ingredient that must appear in the greatest quantity.
    • Fats : If kittens needed more protein than adult cats, the same goes for fats. Food for specimens of this age must meet high caloric requirements.
    • Vitamins and minerals : both elements are considered micronutrients, that is, the kitten will need them in small quantities, but they are also essential for the development of all the body’s functions.
    • Fiber : fiber, which we can find in fruits and vegetables, is useful in facilitating intestinal transit, helping to prevent the formation of hairballs and constipation.
    • Carbohydrates : cats can get glucose from proteins, so it is not essential that ingredients such as cereals, rich in carbohydrates, be included in their diet. In fact, cats can have difficulties processing it.


What to feed a 2-month-old cat if I don’t have food?

If you feed your kitten with food, a very widespread option due to its convenience, as we have said, and you have run out of it for any reason, you can prepare a homemade recipe to get out of trouble while, as soon as possible, you get another one again. coat. The base of the dish will be meat or fish. You can choose from multiple options, such as chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef, tuna, hake, etc., both meat and organ meats. You just have to follow these steps:

  1. Cook the piece you choose without adding salt or other seasonings, which can be harmful to the kitten.
  2. Cut it into small pieces and add a few tablespoons of the cooking broth and, if you want, a teaspoon of olive oil.
  3. No more than 5-10% of this dish can be completed by adding a vegetable or fruit, for example, pumpkin, apple, carrot, peas or spinach.

    How many times does a 2 month old cat eat?

    The ancestors of cats fed on small prey that they had to hunt several times a day. This nutritional pattern in domestic cats has translated into the need to eat small portions in several daily meals. For this reason, it is ideal to measure the daily amount of food and leave it within reach 24 hours a day so that it can eat whenever it wants, as long as it is not a gluttonous kitten or one with food anxiety.

    This is possible if we have opted for feed. Wet or homemade food, for obvious reasons, cannot be left in the air all day. In this case, we would have to put small portions of the food several times a day. In kittens of only 2 months we would be talking about 4-5 daily feedings .

    What to feed a 2-month-old cat?  - How many times does a 2-month-old cat eat?

    How much does a 2 month old cat eat?

    Now that you know what to feed a 2-month-old cat and how many times a day, we solve another big question: how much? The amount of food to be given to the kitten will depend on the food we have chosen . For those purchased we will have a table with the dosage recommended by the manufacturer depending on the age or weight of the kitten. If we opt for a homemade menu, it will be the feline nutritionist who will have to tell us the necessary quantities.

    In any case, it is important to observe the growth and body condition of the animal, since these quantities are approximate and generic and it may be necessary to adjust them to the characteristics and vital circumstances of each specimen. Thus, if we notice that the kitten is gaining weight, we can reduce the ration a little. On the contrary, if you are losing weight, we will have to increase the amount of food.