
Why does your cat sleep at the foot of your bed?

Why does your cat sleep at the foot of your bed?

It is likely that your cat has chosen his favorite place to sleep at night, ignoring the one you selected for him (for example, a fluffy bed). If this is the case and your cat sleeps at the foot of your bed, we tell you the reasons why you have selected this site.

Why does your cat sleep at the foot of your bed

It is likely that your cat has chosen his favorite place to sleep at night, ignoring the one you selected for him (for example, a fluffy bed). If this is the case and your cat sleeps at the foot of your bed, we tell you the reasons why you have selected this site.

Where does the cat sleeps?

Each cat is a world, just as each home is different. For this reason, although there are common behavioral factors among felines, each person who lives with one of them could give a different answer to where their pet sleeps.

Even so, there are certain places or certain characteristics of places that all cats tend to like.

Felines like heights, as it allows them to control the entire environment. For this reason, many will not hesitate to choose a high point to rest and, at the same time, be alert to what is happening around them.

They also love warm places, especially in winter. When sleeping, their body temperature drops, so you can find them sleeping on top of a radiator, as well as on the Internet router if it gives off heat.

Sleeping in shelters also gives these animals a lot of peace of mind. This is anything the feline can fit into and is covered in: from a kennel made specifically for the animal, to a simple bag or box.

Your bed is another place where your cat may choose to sleep. This is a great show of love from your pet, but, in addition, sleeping with your cat has benefits for your health.


When cats sleep they let their guard down. For this reason, sleeping next to their favorite human will make it easier for them to feel somewhat protected and, at the same time, if they are the ones who detect the danger, alert the person.

Also, these animals like to rest with their backs against something. If they do this by snuggling against your legs or feet, they will consider their back to be well protected.

Clan Membership

Cats are very territorial and very social animals. They see their entire home as their territory and, in addition, they can recognize the entire family that lives in it as members of their clan.

However, there will always be a person who will be your favorite, with whom you will be more affectionate than with the others. It will be with that person with whom the cat sleeps at the foot of the bed, in case this is the selected resting place.

You have to give the answer, taking into account, mainly, your health. There are people who are allergic to cats, even to a small extent, and in that case, it would not be appropriate.

On the other hand, another issue that you should assess is the hygiene of the feline. If he has access to the outside every day, no matter how much he cleans himself, he will always have traces of earth or dust from the street, garden, terrace, etc. that will end up on your sheets.

In addition, you should bear in mind that if your cat always sleeps at the foot of your bed and, for whatever reason, suddenly one day you decide not to sleep there, it will be difficult for him to understand and he may react with meows and scratches at your door.

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