
Parasites in Dogs

Parasites in Dogs

Dogs can have parasites in the intestine without us seeing any symptoms. We won’t even see them in the stool. We will find symptoms only when the infestation is intense or when the dog has problems with its defenses, as occurs in puppies, in elderly dogs or in those with other diseases or suffering from stress.

parasites in dogs

Internal parasites in Dogs

Diarrhea, vomiting, and weight loss are most common and, in puppies, growth retardation. Sometimes there can also be swelling in the abdomen, pain, and even anemia, weakness or blood in the stool in the most severe cases.

Symptoms of Lungworms in Dogs

Symptoms of parasites in the dog’s lungs are coughing, some breathing problems, or faster-than-expected breathing. Coagulation problems can also arise if the infestation is very serious, which can lead to the sudden death of the dog.

Symptoms of heartworms in dogs

The usual symptoms of the presence of heartworms are those of heart failure, such as tiredness, exercise intolerance, lack of appetite, weight loss, cough, rapid breathing, fainting after exercise, or even others, such as bleeding from the nose, skin yellowing, hemorrhages, anemia or scratching.

Symptoms of eye worms in dogs

When the dog has worms in the eyes, we will logically observe irritation and redness in the eyes, tearing, watery eye discharge that can become rheumy if the problem persists, and, due to scratching, ulcers can also appear on the cornea. The hair around the eye may be lost due to scratching. Symptoms usually appear one to two weeks after the parasite has entered the eyes.

Prevention of parasitosis in dogs

The prevention of parasites in dogs basically involves regular hygiene and surveillance by the owners, and the application of the corresponding preventive products on a regular basis.

External parasites in Dogs

Symptoms of ticks in dogs

We will know that our dog has ticks if we find these insects hooked on its skin, especially in areas with little hair, such as the ears, the groin, the perianal area, the armpits or between the fingers.

Ticks latch onto the dog’s skin to suck blood, which they feed on. At the same time, due to the contact between the dog’s blood and the tick’s saliva, these can transmit serious diseases, especially parasitic ones.

For this reason, the symptoms observed in a dog with ticks are itching due to irritation and anemia due to blood loss, but, above all, those related to transmitted diseases.

Among the most common are fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, yellowing of the mucous membranes, vomiting, possible bleeding, lameness and some symptoms of kidney problems. If the dog is also allergic to the tick bite, the area will be swollen and red.

Symptoms of fleas in dogs

If your dog has fleas, the main symptom will be itching. And if the infestation is very intense, you will see the fleas with the naked eye. If you don’t find any, you can also look for flea droppings, which are black, dandruff-like, and are seen mostly on the rump, brushing aside the hair; they are easier to observe in light-haired dogs. A good way to check for fleas or flea feces is to comb the dog with a dense-toothed comb so that they stick or fall to the ground.

Likewise, it is common to observe bites and redness in the areas of preference for fleas, such as the pinna, the back and upper part of the tail, the ventral area or the inside of the legs. Also, if the reaction is very intense, it is possible that the dog is allergic, and in these cases pustules and scabs may appear. At the other extreme, there are cases in which the flea infestation can go unnoticed, beyond the presence of the fleas themselves.

Symptoms of mites in dogs

Mites are parasites that affect our dog by being located on the surface or in the first layer of the skin. These parasites cause scabies and there are different kinds. They all cause very intense itching, inflammation, papules, hair loss and scabs, as well as scratching injuries, which can also lead to skin infections.

These are symptoms that we can find almost anywhere on our pet’s body, sometimes highlighting the irritation and itching of the ears and the ear canal, as well as the skin between the fingers. Suspecting scabies, we should immediately go to the vet, both for the good of the dog and for our own, as they are parasites that can be transmitted to people.

Symptoms of lice in dogs

In dogs, lice are usually found on the neck and tail, but also in possible wounds. The dog rubs, chews and scratches the affected area, and the hair can be dull and rough.

The skin becomes irritated and, when scratching, it makes wounds that can become infected. The affected areas end up losing their hair and the general condition of the dog is also affected, with stress, anxiety, weakness and general malaise.

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