
Basic Cat Care

Basic care of Cats

Living with a cat is an exciting adventure and continuous learning, but it has certain aspects that should be known for the long and healthy life of your kitten.

Basic cat care

Someone once said that the cat was the wild animal that, thousands of years ago, approached man’s barns attracted by the rodents that lived there and, since then, has lived with him. Cats are territorial felines: “you don’t own a cat, you live with one”. That is why it is convenient to take into account some tips that will help us make our pet happy.

How should I feed my cat?

The diet must be appropriate to their age and physiological state (pregnancy, lactation, castrated, …). To ensure a nutritional balance, it is advisable to leave him food all day based on feed, combining dry and wet food, and putting fresh, clean water within his reach in a separate container – we can use a fountain because they love to drink from streams – .

What should I teach my cat?

Our cats are very intelligent, but they require a good education to help us avoid unwanted behavior and contribute to a good coexistence.

A major subject will be the sandbox. It is very important to choose a quiet place to locate it so that our pet feels calm and calm when he goes to relieve himself. The cat is a very clean animal and you will need to remove the stained parts with a shovel daily, change the litter weekly and, if necessary, use special deodorants to prevent bad odours.

Without forgetting the scraper, which will serve to give way to your need to sharpen your nails and even mark territory, thus avoiding damage to furniture and doors.

Difficult, if not impossible, will be teaching him not to mark with urine. That strong odor that it leaves on the tissues and that is so difficult to clean can only be avoided with castration or sterilization.

How does my cat relate and socialize?

For our cat to be healthy and happy, it must perform physical and mental activities daily. It will be very important that we interact with him and that we provide him with specific toys for cats since he does not have the same fun if he plays alone. We want to help you relate to our guests and the elements of the environment. If we use treats or specific food for cats, so that our guests offer them to them, we will achieve a very sociable attitude in our pet.

We have all enjoyed the purr of a cat at some point, but we do not know very well what the physical mechanism that causes it is. Purring is a form of communication that cats use to express desires, moods or simply establish contact with their newborn pups. The purr ranges from states of complacency, gratitude and trust, to tension, illness, discomfort and need for help. We must learn and take into account the tones and frequencies of our pet’s purr in order to better understand him and promote his socialization.

How should I take care of my cat's health?

Vaccinating and deworming your cat will be essential for your pet to grow up healthy and happy. It is necessary that you go to your trusted veterinarian so that they can prepare a vaccination schedule for you and recommend the internal and external deworming program that is most appropriate for the characteristics of your cat according to its age, lifestyle and epidemiological risks.

Of course, to achieve protection against the most frequent cat parasites, a monthly deworming adapted to the characteristics of your pet will be the most effective option.

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